Women in Logistics spotlight: Kate

Women in Logistics (WIL) is an Employee Resource Group that attracts, connects and develops the TQL community of women by providing internal networking opportunities, professional development and community involvement. WIL spotlights its members regularly to share their stories of success.

Meet Kate, TQL Vice President, Controller.

What qualities or personality traits have propelled you to where you are today?

Work ethic and persistence. If you consistently put in the effort, eventually you will reach your goal. I try not to measure short-term progress because it's easy to get demotivated and discouraged by small daily setbacks. Instead, I take a longer view, looking back a month, six months, or even a year to track the progress I've made.

What are the benefits of having more women and diversity at TQL?

Increasing diversity allows for an abundance of different ideas, perspectives and approaches. These different viewpoints and experiences help teams be more innovative when solving problems, which leads to better decision making. As TQL continues expanding our geographic footprint and offering more service modes, a diverse talent pool will help us meet those challenges and fuel our growth. 

What motivates or inspires you?

My daughters. They've chosen careers in tech fields, where women are often under-represented. They are confident, bold and unapologetic about demanding a seat at the table.

Best career advice you’ve received and given?

A former manager at one of the first companies I worked told me, "You don't have to be the smartest person in the room. Just be the hardest working and extremely well-organized." I believe work ethic always wins the day, and strong organizational skills and practices help prioritize that work to ensure you consistently meet deadlines. Be the person who’s always reliable and gets the job done.  

How do you maintain work-life balance?

Trying to achieve a perfectly balanced state between work and home is a sure path to frustration. Instead, I try to identify what is the highest priority right now and focus on achieving it.  Also, I avoid the trap of thinking there is only one "right" way to manage both a career and a family. Being flexible is critical, and perfectionism is the enemy.

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