Celebrating TQL PRIDE
At Total Quality Logistics (TQL), our PRIDE group was founded for LGBTQ+ employees and their allies. An embodiment of Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Diversity and Excellence, PRIDE is an integral resource for members’ career development, training, mentorships, networking events and seminars.
PRIDE’s Mission:
To support all TQL LGBTQ+ people and their allies by providing connections, education and resources that foster personal and company growth.
All employees interested can join and become involved. Our leaders are committed to making TQL a place where everyone is comfortable being themselves. Through education and awareness, PRIDE is helping direct the conversation around equality and diversity in the TQL workplace. This Employee Resource Group (ERG) fosters an inclusive work environment and seeks to bring together the LGBTQ+ community and allies across teams, departments and offices in a manner that is educational and respectful.
“In a male-dominated industry, it’s refreshing to have a group like PRIDE where the LGBTQ+ community can feel supported and uplifted. When I started in 2017, I wouldn’t have thought this day would come, but here we are – not only thriving as a company but thriving in diversity as well. It’s empowering knowing that our entire leadership has our back and continues to play a role in this ERG,” said Jordan N., a TQL Sales Manager.
PRIDE partners with TQL Cares to provide fundraising and volunteering opportunities that support the LBGTQ+ community. TQL is donating $1,000 to The Trevor Project, a nonprofit organization that helps prevent suicide among LGBTQ+ youth matching 50% of all donations made to the organization in June. TQL will also donate profits from all TQL PRIDE shirts sold in June and proceeds from multiple bake sales.
Which TQL Employee Resource Group will you join? – Apply today at TQLJobs.com