All Gas, No Brakes – TQL’s Fast Track Program Will Set your Career in Motion

Want to put your career in the fast lane? TQL can elevate your career through our Fast Track Program.

Fast Track gives sales representatives opportunities to learn about the logistics industry from our newly renovated headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio. You’ll be working for the second-largest freight brokerage firm in the nation and building your own book of business, while handling customers’ transportation needs 24/7/365.

Exceed expectations, grow your network and learn from leaders who set the pace for our company. “If you want to become successful at TQL, then joining the Fast Track Program will give you the best opportunity to do so. It forces you outside your comfort zone and expands your professional skill set. Many of those who joined the program along with me are now in leadership roles across the country,” said Vincent, a Group Sales Manager at TQL Minneapolis.

You don’t need experience or a degree to succeed – just hard work, dedication and a passion for customer service. TQL sets you up for success from Day 1 through our extensive paid training and mentoring program.

You’ll learn about our culture, develop a winning mindset and build relationships with teams throughout the nation. Crush your sales goals and accelerate into leadership in any of our 56 offices.

Layla, a Senior Logistics Account Executive at TQL St. Louis, is one of many success stories. She made the solo move to Cincinnati in the middle of January.

“It was scary and very difficult at first, but over time I made a ton of friends and grew to love the area. My management team was always there to support me every step of the way,” Layla said. “I quickly found my place on the team, hit my goals, and relocated to the St. Louis office, where I grew my business even further.”

What are you waiting for? Join Fast Track and set your career in motion. Apply today at

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