TQL Big Brothers Big Sisters Employee Spotlight Part 2

Title: Employee Engagement Specialist
Tenure: 8 years
Location: Cincinnati

What was the first activity you went on with your Little?
After five years of mentorship and countless outings, my memory is a little fuzzy, but I think we went to a ceramic painting studio and then to Skyline Chili.

How do you think your mentorship has impacted your Little?
I think our friendship has helped her come out of her shell and see multiple possibilities for her future.

What inspired you to get involved with Big Brother Big Sisters?
Multiple factors— one of my good friends growing up had a Big Sister and the older I got, the more I realized how special their bond was, and that it was something I wanted to do as an adult.  When TQL started their partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters it was that final push I needed to start the process to become a Big. 

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone interested in becoming a Big?
Be open-minded, be patient and have fun. 

If money was no object, what would be your dream outing with your Little?
I would love to take her to LA!  She would love to see all the famous Hollywood sites, celebrities and where all her favorite YouTubers live.  She also loves the beach and has only been out of the tri-state once in her life.

TQL is proud to support our employees’ community activism with the Big Brothers Big Sisters by reimbursing TQL Bigs for outings with the Littles.  Want a workplace that supports the community and gives back? A career at TQL could be right for you. Check out our openings here.

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