TQL Vegas Bets Big; Hits Jackpot

Four men posing in front of rocks

Lack of lodging won’t stop founding team member Logan S.

Just a few days before the office opened its doors, Logan was given the opportunity to join team Vegas. He jumped at the chance, despite completely uprooting himself in a matter of hours. 

According to the native Cincinnatian, you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do to for the greater good. “This is a great opportunity,” he said. “I look to be with TQL [for a long time] and make this a career.”

Although he hasn’t yet secured a home, he says he’s found one in TQL.  

And it won’t take long for Logan to call Vegas home, either. He's been a man on the move for years.

“My mom worked for American Airlines for 25 years and my stepfather owned a construction company,” he explained. “Both of their jobs allowed me to visit all 50 states, Mexico, Canada and the Bahamas.”

Logan, who has been working since he was 14 years old, credits his superior work ethic to his parents. “My family always taught me not to be given, but to earn the extras in life.”   

Satellite office leader Pat G. also has a former history with the city of lights.  

“I used to perform here. Now I’m coming back in a completely different role in a completely different industry.”

The Streamwood, IL native worked in the entertainment industry as a television and film actor, appearing in a string of TV shows and movies.  He also moonlit as a standup comedian.

“There is such an entrepreneurial mindset [here],” he said.

Pat intends to find people with that mindset and welcome them to the new TQL office, growing the office to 50-75 employees in the next three years. 

Want to do great things in Vegas with the TQL team? Visit our jobs page to get started.

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